π²Profit per head
Cattle in Confinement Example: Details of Fattening:
Initial Weight of Cattle: 240 kg per head.
Fattening Duration: Approximately 110 days.
Growth Target: 3.8 to 4 arrobas per head.
Calculation of Results:
During 110 days of confinement, it is possible to achieve an average gain of 3.8 arrobas per head.
The estimated cost to reach this goal is R$ 740 per head.
The final result would be a weight of about 280 kg per head (240 kg initial + estimated gain of 3.8 arrobas).
Additional Benefit:
Besides weight gain, confined cattle also provide an additional benefit in the form of profit through the production of manure.
A single cow can generate up to 1 ton of manure during a 100-day period.
Cattle confinement is a practice that can be profitable, providing significant weight gain while also contributing valuable manure for agriculture.
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